- Important Dates
- Submission: Nov. 4, 2019
- Conference:Dec. 16-18, 2019
- Notification:
- 20-40 days after the submission
- Publication:
- 15-20 days after the final edition
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- Email: conference123net@126.com
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The information about the Keynote Speakers of ICEMSS2019 is as follows, which will be updated regularly.

Biography: Dr. Siti Sarawati Johar is currently as a Senior Lecturer in Department of Social Science on Centre for General Studies and Co-Curricular at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. She was appointed as well as a Research Fellow in Institute for Social Transformation and Regional Development of Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia. She has 12 years of teaching and research experience in this university. She taught various subjects like Nationhood and Current Development of Malaysia, and Ethnic Relation at undergraduate level, meanwhile the subject of Research Methodology at post-graduate level. In addition, she also has the experienced as a supervisor to the post-graduate students from Malaysia, Indonesia and United Arab Emirate. Her areas of research interests are in educational psychology, organizational psychology, emotional intelligence, emotional well-being and human development. Her deep interest also is in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which is she was a Practitioner of NLP.
Topic: Emotional Intelligence, Self-Esteem and Organizational Commitment in Public Sector
Abstract: The theoretical solutions are simply not able to unlock the psychological issues in organizations because it is closely linked to affective, cognitive and human behavior in public sector. In this study, the issues in the workplace are referring to emotional intelligence, self-esteem and commitment of employees. The specific purpose of this study was to test the impact of emotional intelligence among employees whether it able or unable to influence a commitment to the organization through employee self-esteem factor. A total of 196 civil servants in the Local Authority (LA) have been selected as respondents. Measurement tools that are used in the data lump is Emotional Intelligence Self-Description Inventory (EISDI), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and the Employee Commitment Survey Revised Version (ECS). The data was then analyzed using hierarchical regression analysis. The findings show that emotional intelligence and four dimensions of emotional intelligence have a direct impact on organizational commitment. In fact, the emotional intelligence and dimensions also has an indirect effect on organizational commitment when self-esteem as mediator factor is controlled. Employee self-esteem later found to function as a partly mediator that affecting the relationship between overall emotional intelligence and four dimensions of emotional intelligence with organizational commitment. The most important findings are found emotional intelligence dimension among employees are able to become more relevant with the increasing availability of commitment of employee when there was the element of self-esteem as a mediator factor.

Biography: Dr. Adeel Luqman is working as an Assistant Professor in the Business Administration Department, Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU) Rawalpindi, Pakistan. He also served as a lecturer in the Department of Commerce, Faculty of Management Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. He has done his doctorate from University of Science and Technology of China. He received his Master degree in Business Administration at Institute of Southern Punjab Multan, Pakistan. His principal research interest lays in the field of information system (IS) management, specifically the dark side of information technology. Currently, he is looking into the cross-disciplinary exploration of a broad range of behavioral, psychophysiological and managerial issues in various Information system (IS)/ organizational behavior (OB) use contexts. For instance, Human Resource Management (HRM) and IS with neuro-cognitive behavior such as sleep deprivation, sleep quality and quantity and its trans-boundary diplomacies on employees’ health, creativity and innovation, thereby organizational performance.
Topic: After Work Hour Use of Technology and Deviance Behavior: A Resource Perspective
Abstract: Work interruptions have made significant inroads into the knowledge workers’ nonwork domain, in large part due to the ubiquitous nature of mobile devices that blur the work–nonwork boundaries by enabling work interruptions anywhere and at any time. We examine the effects of such technology-mediated work-related interruptions that occur during one’s time off on both work and nonwork outcomes. Leveraging theoretical perspectives from interruption, work–life interface, and conservation of resources, we conceptualize both positive and negative effects of such interruptions on behavioral and psychological outcomes. We identify three mediating mechanisms via which these effects occur: interruption overload and psychological transition via which negative effects occur and task closure via which positive effects occur. Results reveal significant effects of interruptions on work and nonwork outcomes through the three mediating mechanisms. Although positive effects are observed, the total effects of work-related interruptions are detrimental across both work and nonwork outcomes, with the strongest negative effect on three types of workplace deviance (i.e., interpersonal, organizational and non-work deviance). Analysis also reveals that the moderating results of the model suggest that a higher level of work family conflict is associated with higher after-hours work related technology use and that the work family conflict level is likely to be higher when people have higher level other-initiated interruptions. We calculated the index of moderated mediation (Hayes, 2015), and results revealed that the difference between the two coefficients was also significant. The study concludes with implications for research and practice on how to mitigate negative effects and enhance positive effects.

Biography: Dr. Renata Cuhlova graduated from the European Business program at the University of Huddersfield, and has a PhD in Business Economics and Management from the Technical University of Liberec. She has conducted studies in the United Kingdom, Greece, Switzerland and China. Dr. Cuhlova specializes in topics of International Human Resource Management and Intercultural Communication. Her internships took place in the CzechInvest office in London and in the Economic Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Czech Republic. Dr. Cuhlova has also worked as a specialist in Skoda Auto’s foreign projects, specifically the Indian market. She currently works in the Czech Research Center in Hangzhou, China studying and promoting bilateral relations between Czech Republic and China.
Topic: Globalization Efforts and Development of Economic Cooperation: Czech-Zhejiang Perspective
Abstract: The age of globalization intensifies international trade and flow of foreign direct investment, it facilitates cross-border e-commerce, global knowledge transfer and information sharing via Internet and enhances global education as well as other programs that provide cultural exchange. The role played by international trade policies and global development initiatives in nowadays interconnected world economy is crucial. The speech presents the findings of bilateral relations investigation between a provincial economy of Zhejiang in China and the Czech Republic as a specific partner. The Czech Republic, a Central European country and a member state of several European integration alliances, such as the European Union and Visegrad Group, has built a bilateral partnership with China for more than last seven decades. Simultaneously, Zhejiang is known as one of the starting places of the ancient Silk Road and it belongs to the major export bases of China. In order to examine the dynamics of Czech-Zhejiang economic cooperation, the first part reviews the evolution of Czech-Chinese relationships pointing out milestones of diplomatic relationship that had significant consequences for trade policies and economic exchange itself. Secondly, the analysis of current partnership between Zhejiang and Czech is made with special focus on trade and investment exchange. The analysis is based on empirical approach, such as official trade and investment statistics, governmental documents, media releases and analysis of previous research studies. Zhejiang-Czech trade volume is on the rise with concentration on inter-industry commodities and it reached 932 million USD in 2018. The investment tends to gather in crucial cooperation areas such as new energy vehicles. The speech concludes by presenting challenges that Czech-Chinese partnership is facing to, such as trade imbalance, and by discussing future research directions.

Biography: Dr. Faqeer Muhammad is currently Head of Department of Economics and Acting Director of Center of Research on CPEC at Karakoram International University, Gilgit-Baltistan. He has 14 years of teaching and research experience at Public University in Pakistan. He taught various subjects like Econometrics, Sustainable Rural Development, Micro & Macroeconomics, data analysis techniques and Development Economics at undergraduate and graduate level. In addition, he has a diverse educational background from Pakistan, Sweden and China. His areas of research interests are trade, tourism, financial development and energy.
Topic: China Pakistan Economic Corridor and Local Economy: The Mediating Role of Tourism Development
Abstract: China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is considered as “a game changer” for Pakistan, which is expected to bring revolution in all sectors of economy. Geographically, Gilgit – Baltistan is the gateway of CPEC, and recent huge inflow of domestic tourists to Gilgit-Baltistan is owing to expansion of KKH under one-belt one-road initiatives. Majority of the earlier studies on CPEC are at broader level focusing on its effects on economy, and its geo political and geo strategic importance for China and Pakistan. However, limited or lack of studies available on focusing the perception of people living on the gateway and along the main routes of CEPC. Therefore, this research aimed to analyze the mediating role of tourism in affecting the local economy of Hunza. This research proposed Structural Equation Modelling for exploring the local people perception on CEPC projects and its effect on economy tourism development. In addition, descriptive statics tools have been used for data analysis. Before analyzing the data, Alpha Chronbha test is used to check the reliability of the various items of the questionnaire .The data is collected from locals, students, hotel owners and people related to various businesses. Lastly, the data analysis is carried out in SPSS and STATA. The results of Alpha Chronbha test shows that the given components are reliable. On the other hand, the outcomes of the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) has shown that according to perception of the people “CEPC is a game changer for economy”. In addition, the significant effect of CEPC projects on the tourism development in Hunza. However, the results of the study have also revealed that CPEC projects has negative effects on environment and local culture according to perception of local people. No doubt, CPEC is a “Game Changer for economy”. However, to address the issues related to environment both countries i.e. China and Pakistan should focused on the sustainability of the various projects. In addition, majority of the people living along the CEPC routes are facing severe economic issues i.e. poverty and unemployment. Therefore, the policy makers should design such projects, which improve the living standards of the people and create sense of ownership among the people.